A Little Taste

Two weekends ago, hubby and I went to the Taste of Colorado – an event held every Labor Day weekend in downtown Denver pertaining to all things Colorado. Rows and rows of tents featuring local and chain restaurants, booths filled with artists and their art pieces, holistic products, live music {G Love & Special Sauce was here this year!} and much, much more. The event is free every year, unless you want to purchase any of the items. We purchased some pretty sweet art pieces – 4 to be exact.

I am truly blessed to live in Denver. Truly, truly. When we were considering moving to Arizona, I tried to look at all the positives that it could have for us, and accepted it as a new adventure for husband and I – being on our own in a new state {Jason is a 5th generation native, so it’s kind of unheard of for his family to move away} seemed kind of exciting.

When we made the decision to stay, albeit sad to not be near the boys, I was a little relieved – more than I thought I would be. Although I’m not a huge snow fan {I love the first couple weeks of seeing the beautiful, sparkly fresh powder, and then I’m ready for heat}, I am glad that we get all four seasons – something Arizona definitely does not get the chance to enjoy. And pine trees, and leafy trees and grass. And no scorpions. And those bog ol’, beautiful Rocky Mountains. Yes, that is a good deal.

So, here’s a few pictures from The Taste, and come visit Colorado if you never have – it will enchant you.

The art museum from down below, taken by hubs. @violentkingdom_ on InstaGram

Another view of the DAM

The Colorado peeps

Cows are my friends.


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