

The Petite Chef is a blog I started way back in 2010 and hadn’t touched until I quit my job to be a stay at home Mom in October of 2011. I knew I wanted to use a blog to express myself, but I wasn’t sure what the niche would be, until I started thinking about my passions. This blog is comprised of my three biggest passions: family, food and art. My family is the most important thing to me, besides me faith, and art is probably my biggest passion. I finished 1 year at Metropolitan State University of Denver with a major in Art with an emphasis on painting. I quit school because frankly, I didn’t like people telling me what “art” is. It’s a vast subject that cannot be defined by one person or description.

Food is the main component here {because family and art can fall under that subject so easily}; it comes naturally to me, and I find my ability to create something that people smile about to be a gift.

Most of these recipes are original to me, or an idea I’ve seen that I try to recreate without using someone else’ recipe. If I do use another person’s recipe, I will provide a link to their page. One thing that I would love, is if people want to know how to make something that they’ve seen, but maybe can’t find the recipe again, ask me, and I’ll do my best to make a recipe for you! I find the challenge of starting from scratch an idea to be thrilling.

I hope that this blog inspires people’s desires to create something – anything! Not just food. Tap into your passions, and you will discover that the things you produce will be wonderful – all because it’s something you enjoy.

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